Status of north Atlantic ocean commercial fish stocks based on data from carnivorous species in the year 2000 rellative to 1900 baseline

They say that an image is worth more than 1000 words. In the case of the north Atlantic fish stocks for the principal fish species of commercial interest,that as with most species of commercial fish species eaten worldwide are actually carnivorous this is certainly true.The image produced by Dr Villy Christensen and his colleagues at the University Of British Columbia,Canada, show that in about 100 years the stocks have been almost entirelly depleted. Goverments and private interests have mostly responded to this mismanagement with funds for aquaculture of genetically modified species, thereby agravating the problem of ecosystem degradation. A lot of the fishes eaten will not be eaten directly by people but will in fact become feed for livestock such as chicken and pigs or dogs or even fertilizer .


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