
Showing posts with the label Greece

ANTINERO Στο πευκοδάσος του νησιού Κάλαμος νομού Λευκάδας

Video presentation Colorado state University and Terra Sylvestris:Tracing the past and recording the present in the environmental conflict zone of the Inner Ionian Sea and adjacent lands.

PRESS RELEASE: long-fingered bat (Myotis capaccinii) maternity colony and roost site discovered by Terra Sylvestris in the inner Ionian Archipelago in Greece

Terra Sylvestris : Call to peaceful internet protest for the 2nd Greek Aquaculture congress(2022)

Anthropology and conservation conference 2021 Presentation on preliminary work on mapping for rights in the inner Ionian and adjacent coastline

Monk seal collony footage from our camera trap program incoorporated in News organization show Candid cam creatures episode

Press Release: Monk seal(Monachus monachus) colony discovered by Terra Sylvestris in the Inner Ionian Archipelago in Greece

The Marine Amazonia of Europe: Greek Seas, fishing aquaculture and corporate and government corruption

Greek aquaculture legislation since the year 2011: The perspective of biological conservationists and local communities

Reserves that Exist Only in Papers:The Case of the Inner Ionian Archipelago