
Showing posts from January, 2015

Marine defaunation and the colonization of the Oceans

The unknown story of marine fish protein and humans

Does killing more wolves make for less attacks on livestock ? according to new research probably not

Setting priorities for species conservation: an avian conservation perspective study

Local communities are the best forest conservators after all? an interesting trans-national study from the tropics

Status of north Atlantic ocean commercial fish stocks based on data from carnivorous species in the year 2000 rellative to 1900 baseline

The world map of Genetically modified organism(GMO) legislation

Ο νέος δορυφόρος της ΝASA:Χαρτογράφηση της επίγειας δυναμικής του διοξειδίου του άνθρακα και της φωτοσύνθεσης